Pain Management: 5 Simple Solutions for a Pinched Nerve

 In chiropractic

A pinched nerve occurs when the tissue surrounding a nerve presses against it. This pressure causes the nerve to inflame, which then results in pain. Other symptoms, such as tingling, numbness, and weakness, can also accompany the discomfort.

Pinched nerve pain can sometimes go away on its own. However, if you have a health condition or poor nutrition, your body may find it challenging to improve at a faster rate and typically the pain comes back if you don’t get to the root cause.

“How do I address pinched nerves?”

Similar to other types of muscle pain, pinched nerve pain has the potential to go away after you give your body enough time to rest. However, that doesn’t mean the underlying cause of why it happened is fixed and that it won’t come back and happen again.

If you’re suffering from nerve pain, here are five simple solutions to help in speeding up your recovery process

1. Get Adjusted

The reason a nerve gets pinched is because a bone misaligns and pinches that nerve. This decreases the signal from the brain out of that nerve which can then cause you to experience issues to anything that nerve controls, so it’s very important to make sure you get adjusted to help take pressure off that nerve. 

2. Observe proper posture

Bad posture is a leading cause of pinched nerves. If you have a habit of slouching, sitting awkwardly, or hunching over, you’re putting unnecessary stress on the vulnerable areas of your back and neck. Many people who get stuck in static positions while performing office jobs can suffer from recurring pinched nerve pain. You can avoid having pinched nerves by sitting up straight while keeping your monitor at eye-level. Maintaining this form also helps you alleviate pressure from your neck and shoulders.

3. Adapt to a standing workstation

Because bad posture is a typical catalyst for pinched nerves, people are becoming increasingly aware of how they sit and stand and use creative solutions to avoid it. Using a standing workstation is an excellent way to protect your body from pinched nerves while also keeping your body active and engaged. However, if you’re not too open to the idea of standing as you work, you can also time yourself and go on short walks around the office to limber up and stretch your muscles at least once every hour.

4. Apply heat

Apply a heat pack to the affected area for fifteen minutes three times a day. to encourage blood flow. Increasing blood flow to the area will help your body heal faster. Too much heat can cause too much swelling and delay the healing process, so make sure not to do too much.

5. Take breaks in between long workdays

Similar to physical ailments, sometimes a long break is all you need to give your joints and muscles some much-needed rest. By staying away from work, you let your body recover from frequent use and movement, which is causing your pinched nerves to be irritated and prevents them from healing sooner. Make sure that you take breaks in between long activities to prevent your body from overworking. Also, getting a few extra hours of sleep can help improve your pinched nerve symptoms as soon as you wake up.


Professional chiropractors have a thorough understanding of your nerves and joints, which allows them to reduce pain from tension and pressure points in your body. Make sure you don’t just treat the symptoms, but get to the root cause of your nerve pain.

If you require a professional chiropractor in Bixby and Tulsa, OK to handle your pinched nerves, our office at Inside Out Chiropractic can give you the best solution for your physical ailments. Book a session with us today, and we’ll make sure to free you from your body pain!

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